Home Legislative Lori Berman, Hillary Cassel refile bill safeguarding children at risk of parental harm

Lori Berman, Hillary Cassel refile bill safeguarding children at risk of parental harm

by Margaret Willard

Boynton Beach Sen. Lori Berman has teamed with freshman Dania Beach Rep. Hillary Cassel to again seek changes to Florida’s child custody laws.

The Democratic lawmakers filed a streamlined version of “Greyson’s Law,” named for 4-year-old Greyson Kessler, who died by his father’s hand in a May 2021 murder-suicide.

The bill requires courts to weigh additional factors when deciding whether to grant, continue, limit or rescind shared parental custody, including whether either parent cites any potential risk of violence, abuse, abandonment or neglect.

Berman carried the bill last year with former Rep. Michael Grieco. It’s since undergone a full rewrite.

– Jesse Scheckner, Florida Politics

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