Home Politics South Florida Winner and Loser of the Week

South Florida Winner and Loser of the Week

by The 100 Companies

Winner: Miami-Dade pit bull owners

Lawmakers approved legislation from two Miami-Dade-based lawmakers eliminating municipal restrictions against certain dog breeds. The measures from Sen. Alexis Calatayud and Rep. Demi Busatta Cabrera target a Miami-Dade County ordinance and another in Sunrise. If signed, local officials could still put restrictions on individual dogs that are proven to be violent.

Loser: Abusive parents

The Legislature approved “Greyson’s Law,” allowing courts to consider abusive behavior directed at people other than a child when considering who should get custody of that child. Two South Florida lawmakers, Sen. Lori Berman and Rep. Hillary Cassel, sponsored the changes.

– Ryan Nicol, Florida Politics

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