Home Lifestyle What is VO2max and how it can improve your overall health?

What is VO2max and how it can improve your overall health?

by The 100 Companies

VO2max stands for the maximum volume of oxygen your body can utilize during maximal physical activity. It measures how well your body can use oxygen during periods of stress, which reflects cardiovascular fitness and directly correlates with your overall health and longevity.

You can improve your VO2max by doing cardiovascular exercises like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), endurance running, strength training and other outdoor activities such as cycling and hiking.

Tailoring your training to your fitness level is key to see consistent improvement and tracking your VO2max is a smart strategy for maintaining your overall health.

Learn more at NaplesConciergeHealth.com.

Dr. Jonathan Marsh, Naples Concierge Health, The SWFL 100

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