Home Business Why can’t we have Chinese EVs in the U.S.?

Why can’t we have Chinese EVs in the U.S.?

by The 100 Companies

In China, you can buy an entry-level EV for $11,500 USD or a Porsche-fighting Xiaomi SU7 for just $30,000. You can also buy them in Australia, Great Britain and right next door in Mexico. So why not here?

Well, most Chinese-made EVs don’t meet U.S. road safety standards and there’s a 27.5% tariff on those that do. Plus, importing $11,500 EVs could devastate U.S. automakers, and the government is (understandably) concerned about ways the CCP could use electric vehicles to spy on us.

But hopefully we can meet in the middle soon, since Chinese EVs offer insane value.

– Chris Butsch, The Arizona 100

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