Home Miami-Dade Coral Gables election results: one new Commissioner, one race left to decide

Coral Gables election results: one new Commissioner, one race left to decide

by The 100 Companies

Coral Gables voters still have one more ballot to cast this year before the city’s biennial election is over.

Fifty-eight percent chose consultant and local media mogul Ariel Fernandez over lawyer Alex Bucelo to serve in the City Commission’s Group 5 seat.

But a race for Group 4 is still undecided. Voters will decide who will win a runoff Tuesday between consultant Ivette Arango O’Doski and construction executive Melissa Castro, who took 47% and 39% of the vote, respectively, in a four-way race.

City election rules require a candidate to secure more than half the votes cast to win outright.

– Jesse Scheckner, Florida Politics

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